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Buffalo Burgers

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100% Buffalo Burgers from locally pasture-raised buffalo. Convenient 1 lb package of four 4 oz lean ready-to-grill burgers. Or 1 lb package of three 5.3 oz burgers.

Eat them plain, with a slice of cheese, veggies, or with your favorite spices or condiments. You will be delighted.

Buffalo is similar to beef, however, it has a lighter and slightly more sweet taste. It is a perfect substitution for beef burger recipes.

Buffalo burgers can be cooked similarly to beef burgers, however, we recommend lowering the temperature and cooking the burgers slowly to avoid overcooking.

Tips: Buffalo Burgers are lean and will be delicious when prepared properly.
  1. Grill or fry more slowly and on medium heat.
  2. Cover the burger. Do not flip or poke at this point to keep in the juices.
  3. Leave the burger until it appears nearly cooked to taste (varies with the size of the burger). Then, flip ONCE for up to another minute (add a slice of cheese now if desired). Best if the pink is just disappearing but not overcooked as it will dry out. Practice makes perfect!
  4. A meat thermometer may be used and the internal temperature should reach 160 degrees.

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