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Reaper Mega Combo Pack (5 Types) - Seeds

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5 Types of Reapers

1.) Carolina Reaper

2.) Chocolate Reaper

3.) Yellow Reaper

4.) Peach Reaper (California Reaper)

5.) Mustard Reaper

The Carolina Reaper HP22B was awarded the Guinness World Record in November of 2013. With 1.5 million SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) the Carolina Reaper HP22B is the new World’s Hottest Pepper

The original cross was between two former world record holders, the ghost pepper and a Red Savina Habanero. It is, to date, the world’s hottest hybrid pepper.

Heat level: 1,400,000 - 2,200,000 (SHU)Scoville Heat Units – Extreme heat.

Flavor: Sweet & Fruity.

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